Source code for SoftLayer.managers.dedicated_host

    DH Manager/helpers

    :license: MIT, see License for more details.
import logging

from SoftLayer.exceptions import SoftLayerAPIError
from SoftLayer.exceptions import SoftLayerError
from SoftLayer.managers import ordering
from SoftLayer import utils

# Invalid names are ignored due to long method names and short argument names
# pylint: disable=invalid-name

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class DedicatedHostManager(utils.IdentifierMixin, object): """Manages SoftLayer Dedicated Hosts. See product information here :param SoftLayer.API.BaseClient client: the client instance :param SoftLayer.managers.OrderingManager ordering_manager: an optional manager to handle ordering. If none is provided, one will be auto initialized. """
[docs] def __init__(self, client, ordering_manager=None): self.client = client self.account = client['Account'] = client['Virtual_DedicatedHost'] self.guest = client['Virtual_Guest'] if ordering_manager is None: self.ordering_manager = ordering.OrderingManager(client)
[docs] def cancel_host(self, host_id): """Cancel a dedicated host immediately, it fails if there are still guests in the host. :param host_id: The ID of the dedicated host to be cancelled. :return: True on success or an exception Example:: # Cancels dedicated host id 12345 result = mgr.cancel_host(12345) """ return
[docs] def cancel_guests(self, host_id): """Cancel all guests into the dedicated host immediately. To cancel an specified guest use the method VSManager.cancel_instance() :param host_id: The ID of the dedicated host. :return: The id, fqdn and status of all guests into a dictionary. The status could be 'Cancelled' or an exception message, The dictionary is empty if there isn't any guest in the dedicated host. Example:: # Cancel guests of dedicated host id 12345 result = mgr.cancel_guests(12345) """ result = [] guests =, mask='id,fullyQualifiedDomainName') if guests: for vs in guests: status_info = { 'id': vs['id'], 'fqdn': vs['fullyQualifiedDomainName'], 'status': self._delete_guest(vs['id']) } result.append(status_info) return result
[docs] def list_guests(self, host_id, tags=None, cpus=None, memory=None, hostname=None, domain=None, local_disk=None, nic_speed=None, public_ip=None, private_ip=None, **kwargs): """Retrieve a list of all virtual servers on the dedicated host. Example:: # Print out a list of instances with 4 cpu cores in the host id 12345. for vsi in mgr.list_guests(host_id=12345, cpus=4): print vsi['fullyQualifiedDomainName'], vsi['primaryIpAddress'] # Using a custom object-mask. Will get ONLY what is specified object_mask = "mask[hostname,monitoringRobot[robotStatus]]" for vsi in mgr.list_guests(mask=object_mask,cpus=4): print vsi :param integer host_id: the identifier of dedicated host :param list tags: filter based on list of tags :param integer cpus: filter based on number of CPUS :param integer memory: filter based on amount of memory :param string hostname: filter based on hostname :param string domain: filter based on domain :param string local_disk: filter based on local_disk :param integer nic_speed: filter based on network speed (in MBPS) :param string public_ip: filter based on public ip address :param string private_ip: filter based on private ip address :param dict \\*\\*kwargs: response-level options (mask, limit, etc.) :returns: Returns a list of dictionaries representing the matching virtual servers """ if 'mask' not in kwargs: items = [ 'id', 'globalIdentifier', 'hostname', 'domain', 'fullyQualifiedDomainName', 'primaryBackendIpAddress', 'primaryIpAddress', '', 'hourlyBillingFlag', 'powerState', 'maxCpu', 'maxMemory', 'datacenter', 'activeTransaction.transactionStatus[friendlyName,name]', 'status', ] kwargs['mask'] = "mask[%s]" % ','.join(items) _filter = utils.NestedDict(kwargs.get('filter') or {}) if tags: _filter['guests']['tagReferences']['tag']['name'] = { 'operation': 'in', 'options': [{'name': 'data', 'value': tags}], } if cpus: _filter['guests']['maxCpu'] = utils.query_filter(cpus) if memory: _filter['guests']['maxMemory'] = utils.query_filter(memory) if hostname: _filter['guests']['hostname'] = utils.query_filter(hostname) if domain: _filter['guests']['domain'] = utils.query_filter(domain) if local_disk is not None: _filter['guests']['localDiskFlag'] = ( utils.query_filter(bool(local_disk))) if nic_speed: _filter['guests']['networkComponents']['maxSpeed'] = ( utils.query_filter(nic_speed)) if public_ip: _filter['guests']['primaryIpAddress'] = ( utils.query_filter(public_ip)) if private_ip: _filter['guests']['primaryBackendIpAddress'] = ( utils.query_filter(private_ip)) kwargs['filter'] = _filter.to_dict() kwargs['iter'] = True return, **kwargs)
[docs] def list_instances(self, tags=None, hostname=None, datacenter=None, order=None, owner=None): """Retrieve a list of all dedicated hosts on the account :param list tags: filter based on list of tags :param integer cpus: filter based on number of CPUS :param integer memory: filter based on amount of memory :param string hostname: filter based on hostname :param string disk: filter based on disk :param string datacenter: filter based on datacenter :param dict \\*\\*kwargs: response-level options (mask, limit, etc.) :returns: Returns a list of dictionaries representing the matching dedicated host. """ _filter = utils.NestedDict({}) if tags: _filter['dedicatedHosts']['tagReferences']['tag']['name'] = { 'operation': 'in', 'options': [{'name': 'data', 'value': tags}], } if hostname: _filter['dedicatedHosts']['name'] = ( utils.query_filter(hostname) ) if datacenter: _filter['dedicatedHosts']['datacenter']['name'] = ( utils.query_filter(datacenter)) if order: _filter['dedicatedHosts']['billingItem']['orderItem']['order']['id'] = ( utils.query_filter(order)) if owner: _filter['dedicatedHosts']['billingItem']['orderItem']['order']['userRecord']['username'] = ( utils.query_filter(owner)) object_filter = _filter.to_dict() object_mask = "mask[id,name,createDate,cpuCount,diskCapacity,memoryCapacity,guestCount," \ "datacenter,backendRouter,allocationStatus,billingItem[orderItem[order[userRecord]]]]" return self.account.getDedicatedHosts(mask=object_mask, filter=object_filter)
[docs] def get_host(self, host_id, **kwargs): """Get details about a dedicated host. :param integer : the host ID :returns: A dictionary containing host information. Example:: # Print out host ID 12345. dh = mgr.get_host(12345) print dh # Print out only name and backendRouter for instance 12345 object_mask = "mask[name,backendRouter[id]]" dh = mgr.get_host(12345, mask=mask) print dh """ if 'mask' not in kwargs: kwargs['mask'] = ''' id, name, cpuCount, memoryCapacity, diskCapacity, createDate, modifyDate, backendRouter[ id, hostname, domain ], billingItem[ id, nextInvoiceTotalRecurringAmount, children[ categoryCode, nextInvoiceTotalRecurringAmount ], orderItem[ id, order.userRecord[ username ] ] ], datacenter[ id, name, longName ], guests[ id, hostname, domain, uuid ], guestCount ''' return, **kwargs)
[docs] def place_order(self, hostname, domain, location, flavor, hourly, router=None): """Places an order for a dedicated host. See get_create_options() for valid arguments. :param string hostname: server hostname :param string domain: server domain name :param string location: location (datacenter) name :param boolean hourly: True if using hourly pricing (default). False for monthly. :param int router: an optional value for selecting a backend router """ create_options = self._generate_create_dict(hostname=hostname, router=router, domain=domain, flavor=flavor, datacenter=location, hourly=hourly) return self.client['Product_Order'].placeOrder(create_options)
[docs] def verify_order(self, hostname, domain, location, hourly, flavor, router=None): """Verifies an order for a dedicated host. See :func:`place_order` for a list of available options. """ create_options = self._generate_create_dict(hostname=hostname, router=router, domain=domain, flavor=flavor, datacenter=location, hourly=hourly) return self.client['Product_Order'].verifyOrder(create_options)
def _generate_create_dict(self, hostname=None, domain=None, flavor=None, router=None, datacenter=None, hourly=True): """Translates args into a dictionary for creating a dedicated host.""" package = self._get_package() item = self._get_item(package, flavor) location = self._get_location(package['regions'], datacenter) price = self._get_price(item) routers = self._get_backend_router( location['location']['locationPackageDetails'], item) router = self._get_default_router(routers, router) hardware = { 'hostname': hostname, 'domain': domain, 'primaryBackendNetworkComponent': { 'router': { 'id': router } } } complex_type = "SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Virtual_DedicatedHost" order = { "complexType": complex_type, "quantity": 1, 'location': location['keyname'], 'packageId': package['id'], 'prices': [{'id': price}], 'hardware': [hardware], 'useHourlyPricing': hourly, } return order def _get_package(self): """Get the package related to simple dedicated host ordering.""" mask = ''' items[ id, description, prices, capacity, keyName, itemCategory[categoryCode], bundleItems[capacity,keyName,categories[categoryCode],hardwareGenericComponentModel[id, hardwareComponentType[keyName]]] ], regions[location[location[priceGroups]]] ''' package_keyname = 'DEDICATED_HOST' package = self.ordering_manager.get_package_by_key(package_keyname, mask=mask) return package def _get_location(self, regions, datacenter): """Get the longer key with a short location(datacenter) name.""" for region in regions: # list of locations if region['location']['location']['name'] == datacenter: return region raise SoftLayerError("Could not find valid location for: '%s'" % datacenter)
[docs] def get_create_options(self): """Returns valid options for ordering a dedicated host.""" package = self._get_package() # Locations locations = [] for region in package['regions']: locations.append({ 'name': region['location']['location']['longName'], 'key': region['location']['location']['name'], }) # flavors dedicated_host = [] for item in package['items']: if item['itemCategory']['categoryCode'] == \ 'dedicated_virtual_hosts': dedicated_host.append({ 'name': item['description'], 'key': item['keyName'], }) return {'locations': locations, 'dedicated_host': dedicated_host}
def _get_price(self, package): """Returns valid price for ordering a dedicated host.""" for price in package['prices']: if not price.get('locationGroupId'): return price['id'] raise SoftLayerError("Could not find valid price") def _get_item(self, package, flavor): """Returns the item for ordering a dedicated host.""" for item in package['items']: if item['keyName'] == flavor: return item raise SoftLayerError("Could not find valid item for: '%s'" % flavor) def _get_backend_router(self, locations, item): """Returns valid router options for ordering a dedicated host.""" mask = ''' id, hostname ''' cpu_count = item['capacity'] mem_capacity = {} disk_capacity = {} gpuComponents = {} for capacity in item['bundleItems']: for category in capacity['categories']: if category['categoryCode'] == 'dedicated_host_ram': mem_capacity = capacity['capacity'] if category['categoryCode'] == 'dedicated_host_disk': disk_capacity = capacity['capacity'] for hardwareComponent in item['bundleItems']: if hardwareComponent['keyName'].find("GPU") != -1: hardwareComponentType = hardwareComponent['hardwareGenericComponentModel']['hardwareComponentType'] gpuComponents = [ { 'hardwareComponentModel': { 'hardwareGenericComponentModel': { 'id': hardwareComponent['hardwareGenericComponentModel']['id'], 'hardwareComponentType': { 'keyName': hardwareComponentType['keyName'] } } } }, { 'hardwareComponentModel': { 'hardwareGenericComponentModel': { 'id': hardwareComponent['hardwareGenericComponentModel']['id'], 'hardwareComponentType': { 'keyName': hardwareComponentType['keyName'] } } } } ] if locations is not None: for location in locations: if location['locationId'] is not None: loc_id = location['locationId'] host = { 'cpuCount': cpu_count, 'memoryCapacity': mem_capacity, 'diskCapacity': disk_capacity, 'datacenter': { 'id': loc_id } } if item['keyName'].find("GPU") != -1: host['pciDevices'] = gpuComponents routers =, mask=mask) return routers raise SoftLayerError("Could not find available routers") def _get_default_router(self, routers, router_name=None): """Returns the default router for ordering a dedicated host.""" if router_name is None: for router in routers: if router['id'] is not None: return router['id'] else: for router in routers: if router['hostname'] == router_name: return router['id'] raise SoftLayerError("Could not find valid default router")
[docs] def get_router_options(self, datacenter=None, flavor=None): """Returns available backend routers for the dedicated host.""" package = self._get_package() location = self._get_location(package['regions'], datacenter) item = self._get_item(package, flavor) return self._get_backend_router(location['location']['locationPackageDetails'], item)
def _delete_guest(self, guest_id): """Deletes a guest and returns 'Cancelled' or and Exception message""" msg = 'Cancelled' try: self.guest.deleteObject(id=guest_id) except SoftLayerAPIError as e: msg = 'Exception: ' + e.faultString return msg